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Trauma and
How can our trauma biography influence a successful grieving process.
Everyone can experience a period of grief at some point in their life.
Grief can take many faces. We can experience grief not only when we lose a person or an animal. We can also experience pain of loss when we lose contact with someone with who we have a special bond.
Our own trauma biography can have a major impact on our grieving process. This process is important not only because we are confronted with the pain of loss but that is also where the process of healing starts. Then we can start living a life in balance again.
Early childhood traumas such as the trauma of identity and trauma of love can lead us to old unresolved experiences of loss with the current we experience now. Feelings like loneliness and the pain of being abandoned can no longer be clearly recognised. This can mean that the grieving process can be delayed and often more difficult, preventing a good and healthy grieving process.
In this case, it can be helpful and supportive to connect with ourselves. With the help of self-encountering based identity-oriented psychotrauma theory (IoPT), we can then understand our individual pain of separation, recognised it and give the past experiences and emotions their own space and place again.
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