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Identity and healing
Especially the challenging moments in our life bring our deep wounds (trauma) to light. We experience such moments in relationships with other people, through a breakup or when we are confronted with an illness that affects our lives.
Often we are overwhelmed by feelings such as fear, shame, abandonment or the feeling of losing ourselves. Most of the time, however, the original cause lies far back and we lost each other and separated from each other at an earlier point in time.
An enormously life-changing phase in the life of us women is pregnancy, childbirth and being a mother. In addition to the greatest happiness on earth, fears, physical complaints and / or excessive demands can also determine this emotionally sensitive time. These symptoms can be the expression of an early trauma.
With identity-oriented psychotrauma therapy (IoPT) we can find out when and why we have lost our balance in life. The process of IoPT helps us to recognize the truth in our life and to free ourselves from old and existing entanglements. Thus we come closer and closer to ourselves and our true identity. Because identity also means recognizing all of our experiences as part of us. Thus we can find our way back to ourselves and to our long repressed feelings.
My name is Ilona Chebaani and I look forward to accompanying you on your self-determined and responsible path to a healthy identity.
Ilona Masurka Chebaani
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